Sunday 7 February 2016

February Time


As much as I have tried to fit more hours into the day to do more with the time - the month of January (my new favourite month), has passed already.

This month used to feel so long and drawn out. I recall earlier years of cold weather, no money and longing for the days to get brighter. Essentially, wishing it would pass more quickly. Now it is the most productive and most looked forward to time of the year - even more so to me than the summer.

Relaxation & Reboot
Looking through the posts from this time last year, I can see an acknowledgement of my need to relax more. I tend to cram a lot into my days and previously thought that sitting around doing nothing constructive was a waste of precious time. Not any more. I plan my down-time in advance. Same goes for how I perceived doing anything that wasn't in some way educational, like reading fiction or watching Saturday evening television.

I now value the quiet time of solitude where I can escape with a good book and even appreciate the occasional bit of trash TV. I also make sure to include at least 5 minutes of quiet meditation every day to still the mind and a write daily diary paragraph to enforce, remember & remind me about what I've learned.

Rituals & Habits
Amazing how easy it was to ditch the drinking and partying this year. The morning ritual was started, adhered to and the promises we'd made to ourselves were kept, plus old habits were quashed and some new habits implemented in their place too. I tweaked the routine slightly to make it more interesting and honed the rest of the routine to make room for the new changes.

“Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” ― Mark Twain

Having a bit of discomfort in the morning (2 minute planks), even when not feeling 100%, means we have a stronger resolve. Daily yoga is another great way to get the blood flowing and the mind ready for the day and whatever it may bring. Even practising just 10 minutes of Qi Gong daily is bringing about significant lifestyle improvements.

It's already become clear to me in January and confirmed with application throughout February, that controlling the mind is the key to happiness and success. We form our own realities. It's through our mind state and the decisions we take that define our reality. Our perception of reality is the only reality. We need to take a hold of it - because someone else will otherwise. We need to take stock of our situation and be grateful for each day and the blessings it affords us. For when we live right here in the moment, life will be far happier.

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” – Albert Einstein

Having the quality quiet time to regroup with the yoga and meditation will also help stop the negative voices from taking a hold. The very action of smiling is a simple way to bring about a happier mood and feel positive again. Consequently, giving out smiles more often, will bring reciprocal rewards. This is where cause and effect comes into play and the act of merely being nice to others is a positive start. Essentially, feeling happy and being more in-tune with the universe, will radiate out a sense of calm and a collective-ness that others will gravitate towards.

Helping those that need it through volunteering and selflessly taking on jobs for no obvious reward, will see the universe pay us back dividends further down the line. We all need to stand up for ourselves and what we believe in, but be careful not to allow these beliefs to drain energy or affect those about us either. 

I realised from February 2015 that my stubbornness/determination helped towards me getting results - but also held me in a potentially damaging mindset. Being angry is not helpful for anyone. It's the non-attachment method for living well that's required. Working with the power of Qi Gong, meditation and positive affirmations will help in these difficult situations and ultimately assist with playing the game of life much better.

The overriding message playing throughout February from 2015, seems to be telling me to pay closer attention to my feelings, emotions and mindset. I need to relax, take time out and have fun more in order to live a happier, healthy lifestyle - for better serving those around me and the greater good.

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