Sunday 28 February 2016

Planning An End Game


I've worked really hard progressing personal development over the last year. The improvements have already brought gains and shown to be advantageous in many ways. I'm now equipped with some great tools to make a real difference in whatever I choose to do in the next stage of my life.

My learnings have also motivated others around me to take stock. I'm witnessing first hand how the teachings that I'm passing forward, are creating happiness and success. So now, these people are inspiring me to continue on this chosen path and help others to make improvements in their lives too. This in turn, will mean sticking to what I've been doing over the last year and being smart when it comes to making any future work/career moves. 

I already mentioned a bit about the benefits of portfolio working last year and why it's a good idea to keep a diverse set of skills that create wealth from different revenue streams. I've been doing a lot of handy man jobs over recent months, but I really need some good regular money coming in. The means for obtaining high income doesn't really exist in the handy-man world, which is a shame because there's real value in it. But, in order to bring in the higher revenue that I need which will also give me the freedom that's necessary for writing my book about my year of living mindfully, I'll have to make some counter moves to set up my winning end game.

So it's time to redouble my efforts and secure myself a semi-full time role in advertising once again. 

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