Sunday 31 January 2016

Taxing Time


Just like this time a year ago, I'm having to gather my energies for a pending battle against the larger, bullying forces that are trying to wear me down. 

Last year was a struggle fighting the corporation where I worked - News International. This year, it's Thanet Council, the DVLA and in the courts and this week, it's been the tax man - HMRC. That's very big battles and up against some very powerful organisations. Having these battles of mine coming through all at once is making the task in hand all the more difficult. It's no wonder that I've been suffering the symptoms of burnout. 

The no drinking rule, early to bed and 5am starts - plus the daily yoga, Qi gong and fitness routine, are going to be crucial if I'm going to survive the next few months without sinking under the weight of it all.

Stepping It Up
As from next week, the Paleo diet and a return to boxing, tougher conditioning combined with an increase in the intensity of regular workouts, will all help me to stay strong over coming months. I'm getting myself in a peak mental/physical shape so I can better face the months ahead.

I can't believe we're through January already! This has been a good month in many ways - but it's passed far too quickly. However, taking the learnings through to February and into March, should help cement some positive lifestyle changes for carrying through the rest of the year and for reaching my goals.

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