Sunday 2 October 2016

Perception Prophecy


Everything we see, hear, touch or experience as we journey through life, ultimately makes up our reality.

Our senses feed information into our minds and it's our interpretation of this torrent from the environment about us, that becomes our personal universe. All our connections, including everybody and everything we come into contact with, will be relative to only us in our own unique way. There will be positive, negative and neutral connotations associated with everything, depending on our personal interpretations and therefore it's how we choose to perceive the world around us that determines our path through life. 

The universe has no feelings and does not make order from chaos or draw on emotions - these are human traits. There is no meaning to the universe, just universal natural laws. So without our minds trying to make some sense out of this universal information or awarding it any value, we place no importance on anything - hence we have no attachment either. Practising non-attachment, will help us to avoid creating values where there were none. Without values, there is no importance - situations become insignificant. And without us awarding any significance, there is no meaning. We become closer attuned to the universe as our perception is altered and our universe opens up way beyond the barriers we've placed in the way. 

If we allow it, people, situations and our thoughts become our barriers. We all have the capacity to remove obstacles - real or realised. It's the barriers we create ourselves through our minds, that are both the easiest and the most difficult to remove. It takes a lot of time and applied practice to train the physical body - the same applies to the mind and therefore, it follows, that we can create a liberated mind for perceiving a new and better reality for ourselves. We just need to learn the right methods and apply the knowledge. 

The greatest methods utilised for altering our perception will stem from the hard work consistently delivered through practising yoga, meditation, and visualisation and ultimately projected into reality through regular self-assessment, adjustment & documentation. 

The only reality is the one we ourselves project onto the world. The sooner we face up to the fact, the more time we invest in understanding and identifying where false realities have been created, and the sooner we can alter our perception to create an improved future reality. 

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