Sunday 9 October 2016

Meat Machines


We are machines. And we are not just biological machines - we are biological machines! This fact is both amazing and unsettling at the same time. Because, if we are nothing but chemicals and neurons, does that mean love is just a reactionary hormone release? Does this also mean we have no free will?

The answer to the above question on free will, may be answered by watching the following very interesting documentary by Bruce Lipton on the subject of Epigenetics. In this video, he discusses the properties of cellular organisms and how they react to external factors without altering the underlying DNA sequence.

In this video, Bruce explains how cells react to signals received from their environment which suggests that cellular activity is influenced through receptors located in the cell itself. By attracting binding proteins, the cell mechanisms are altered. If what Bruce is implying happens to these micro organisms, is also happening within the multi-millions of cells in our bodies, it means we are giving out and picking up signals not only from our subconscious neurological systems but that these cells can be influenced by our thoughts and intentions passed into the environments the cells live in. Changes in the organisms can be passed on through multiple generations without changing the DNA sequences. It transpires that we can influence our cells through positivity. He's written a book on the subject which I'm about to start.

Intent on Attraction
Turning on the body's receptors for attraction can be achieved through visualisation and influenced through our body's chemistry via our own positive thoughts. This means that we do in fact have free will! We have the capacity to change our physiological makeup. It's been shown through studies on recovering cancer patients, that those who remain positive, have a much higher chance of survival. So by focusing on our perception triggering actions on a conscious level, we can not only change the body's physiology, but also improve our body's 'collective' cellular intelligence. Yes, we have the the capacity to heal, but it's also possible that we can improve what we are born with. It's not just down to DNA.

Bruce Lipton suggests that a negative connotation connected with one's gene history - ie. a family history of cancer - can become a self-prophesying conclusion if we merely focus on our genes and DNA. By making consistent positive decisions, putting out into the universe our intentions and by visualising a goal we wish to achieve in life - we can possibly activate the receptors at a microscopic level, that send and receive the right signals for attracting what our thoughts desire.

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