Sunday 31 July 2016

Weebles Wobble


Weebles Wobble but they don't fall down. That's the marketing statement for this 1970's British toy.

I recall throwing my Weeble Bus in the road, along with it's full load of Weeble passengers, whist having a tantrum at 5 years old. I don't recall the reason for the hissy fit but I remember being very upset at the time - especially after my self-defeating moment of destruction. The bus was in bits, but the Weebles - true to their marketing claim, merely wobbled and lived on to see another day. 

I kind of feel like the Weeble people at the moment - thrown in the road of life - getting bashed around, but still re-righting myself to live another day. Thing is, how many more times can I be thrown (or more likely - throw myself) in the metaphorical road of life, before the self-righting mechanism breaks? There's going to be a limit and I really don't want to approach that limit any time soon through my self-destructive lifestyle. 

Enjoyment of the summer time seems to be the paramount objective for me right now. I'm sure that's the same for most. It's peak season and yet there's not been enough sunshine moments. For one, the sun hasn't been out much here in the UK but also, there's been too much alcohol and late nights to fully take on board the vitamin D from daytime environmental activities, plus too much depletion of the energy levels in general to keep from fully bouncing back up again. 

The seasons mostly determine the activity we do from day to day, what we choose to do at the weekends and keep up doing as a routine over the coming months. 

The winter is mostly becoming a no/low drinking season for me (alpine holiday aside), with the spring a mostly no drinking (Easter and birthday aside), bike riding/general fitness enhancement season. Whereas, the summer has become an endurance test of sleepless weekends, roller-coaster recovery weeks and balancing my sanity when the work responsibilities require much more than a dulled brain power. Autumn as I recall from last year, is a time for recovery and also a battle against the habits that have built up through being repeated throughout the summer months. A tough resolve is required to right the Weeble during this time. Every year seems to be getting tougher and I'm not sure if it's the age difference, the excessive levels reached - or maybe a combination of both. One thing is for sure - in order to keep the Weebles righting themselves, the amount of wobbling needs to be reduced. August will be a big month. An early swan-song for the summer and an even earlier start to the recovery & rejuvenation season starting September.

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