Sunday 3 July 2016

Living Life To The Last Breath


It's a stark reminder of life but with some down time at work this Friday, I found myself watching a fascinating series of videos about the final stages of life and ultimately - death.

I confess, it's not the most uplifting of subjects for a Friday afternoon, but what these videos did for me was remind me of the inevitable end. Who knows how it will happen or predict when it will come, but come to us all, it certainly will. Time has one direction and our short lives tick away every second. 

Friday came and went in a blur. Last weekend felt like it was just yesterday. Without my daily diary reminders, I wouldn't be able to recall what I did this past week let alone in the past 6 months. Time is racing along and we really have to hold on tight to every waking moment if we're to get the most from our experiences out of the time we have left remaining. Our last breath could literally be just around the next corner, so seize the day.

I'm not one to dwell on morbid issues, but we all need a regular reality check to keep us focussed on living life. Too many are walking dead - daydreaming through the greatest moments of life. Too many are squandering their best years doing nothing worthwhile and regretful of what could have been - only becoming aware of the pending finale when it's too late to do anything about it. 

Grab Life
After a few too many drinks on Thursday, I clearly needed to get some quality rest and head home for a good night's sleep. But, after another full-on week of work, this was only possible for me after a few more drinks were had and some Friday fun. Friday, as a marker to the end of a working week, should be celebrated by everyone. All those who are healthy and able, should get out - raise a glass and toast the arrival of the weekend, the glory of summer, the good fortune of having someone to love, to be loved, to remind us of those who are with us no more, the ongoing pursuit of happiness, freedom and of being alive. 

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