Sunday 18 September 2016

Magnetic Attraction


Human beings are not so far up the evolutionary chain as we'd like to think we are. We're still very much 'animals' at heart and it's solely the human 'thinking' part that separates us from the other beasts of the animal kingdom. It's also this thinking part of our minds that masks what is really going on in our primal animal brains.

Thinking and reasoning can be beneficial in many ways but are we over-thinking and not doing what our instincts tell us? And does our reasoning mean we avoid trouble - or that we miss out more on doing the things we really want to do?

Animal Avoidance
We witness certain behaviours in others when their barriers are down and especially realise it in ourselves the morning after a night out drinking & socialising.

It's inebriated moments, when we are free from our rationalising thoughts where our actions reveal our true primal desires. Others may negatively comment on how we have been acting inappropriately towards the opposite (or same) sex or perhaps our friends will lament somewhat positively, how 'wild' we've been. These traits may be strange to the observer if we're normally seen to be so reserved. It's seen to be out of character for us. But in truth, it's these animal behaviours that we keep caged up for fear of them revealing our truest nature. Letting go of these restraints - consciously or otherwise, allows our truest nature to be so openly expressed.

Our desires are what drive us - yet we spend our adult lives suppressing them and learning how to behave 'properly' in public. This side of our personality is what Carl Jung calls the 'Shadow' self and learning how to manage our hidden side, can bring great benefits.

Our conscious rational mind is trained to keep everything in order. Arguably, without some levels of control, we'd be acting on an impulsive whim the whole time. However, our rationalising brain may be telling us one thing, while our instinctive biological systems - which are receiving & sending conflicting signals to what we likely 'think' we should be doing - and his conflict in ourselves will inhibit our ability to attract the things we desire most in our lives. Consequently, we lose both ways. 

And so, the more we strive to distance ourselves from our inner desires, the more detached we become from our truest selves. We weaken our magnetism and we drift along without ever realising our real potential. 

With our conscious rational minds working at the helm, we lose the connection to our message receptors, which are diligently picking up vital information from the environment (even in the subtlest of ways) - either drawing us towards or repelling us away from whatever has the potential to cause harm or fulfil our desires.

Magnetic Personality
Magnetism is what draws us to life's successes. For example, if we wish to attract a suitable mate, we may choose to adjust our physical appearance to better give us an edge. Physical attractiveness is certainly one of the first major traits a man will look for in a suitable partner and women are not so far behind the men on that front. But there are many other ways to win over a mate and achieve success. If you're lacking in looks, then it pays to learn how to attract others without relying so much on physical appearance. Looking sharp is a good starting point, but for achieving the best results, developing a magnetic way of thinking to stand out in a crowd, will attract what we desire far better than a sharp suit ever will.

Understanding Attractiveness
What exactly is it that we find most attractive about the other sex? If you 'think' you know what best attracts you, it may come as a surprise to learn that the qualities most looked for in a partner, are not what you're really attracted to. We tend to fall for the popular stereotypes most portrayed in the media - hence trends in cosmetic enhancements etc. But, a lot of what draws us to someone else, comes down to the strength of the energy signals being emitted from an individual's magnetic field. 

Take a good look at a room of people at a bar, in an office or at an event. Identify the people who stand out the most. Are they the most physically appealing? Are they dressed the sharpest? Look hard - they are possibly neither, and yet they command attention. 

Magnetic attraction is an ancient art of attraction practised for centuries by the great Yogi's who have learned to harness magnetic energy. We may not all have such strong magnetism but with practice, this powerful attraction energy can be harnessed. We can all increase reserves of this energy, but first, we need to re-connect with our inner animal instinctive selves and live a more truthful life.

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