Sunday 19 June 2016

Positivity Indicators


Everything we do and say will have an impact on those around us. We need to bare this fact in mind as we all have a moral duty to do our best passing on positive impressions to others. Not only will this benefit how we feel, spreading good will, can have a knock on effect to improve everyone's day who we come in contact with. 

Positivity Footprint 
Just as we have measures for our carbon output, we should all have a daily check to see if our output on the world about us is making a positive footprint. 

Children are very impressionable and will pick up on both a positive or negative, so it pays to make sure we give out the best we can when around youngsters to ensure they learn how to treat others. But it's not only kids, family and loved ones who should benefit, we should also try to put out more good vibes in the workplace and even inspire complete strangers throughout our daily lives too. 

At the end of the day, it will all be to our greater benefit if we can put out more positive intentions. And if we aim to retain our positive levels in the 60%+ range, we'll see a marked improvement in our overall happiness over time. So, before sleeping each night, take a moment to reflect on the day and note down a tally of any positives deeds, interactions and actions made throughout the course of the day. See how they measure up against any negative aspects. Feel the satisfaction of knowing your actions are impacting others for the greater good, witness how easy sleep comes and then rise early the next day - feeling fresh and light in the soul, ready for another day full of positivity. 

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