Sunday 17 April 2016

Energy Deficiency


When the power drops off, feeling drained and unable to accomplish tasks usually well within one's capabilities, brings time for consideration about one's lifestyle choices. 

I went riding through the woods on my mountain bike this weekend. It was muddy and potentially hazardous but nothing too taxing compared to some of the technical rides I've been on over the years. So why was I struggling to stay on my bike? I'd been to bed early and eaten well...hadn't I?

On closer inspection, looking at the facts, it becomes clearly evident that my diet has slipped over recent weeks and high alcohol intake has played a key part in bringing about my lowered energy levels. It's amazing how we kid ourselves! I'd lost track of the quality intake because I wasn't properly monitoring myself on a daily basis.

We can get on top of the drinking, partying, late nights and diet. The hard bit is staying close to the good lifestyle over a sustained time period. Moderating. When we cut out the stressors and get good nutrition and sleep, the energy reserves quickly replenish themselves. But, complacency will allow us to slip back to a harmful lifestyle double quick. A late night here or there won't hurt, but they do add up. 

Low energy levels are linked with fatigue. Poor nutrition and disrupted sleep, will affect the body's ability to absorb the necessary nutrients to repair itself. Certain vitamins and minerals are greatly affected by alcohol consumption. Vitamin C is one of the key vitamins required for retaining good general health. Vitamin C aids the digestive system in absorbing other nutrients like B12. 

One of the issues with my ride this weekend was my lack of energy. My aerobic energy system was not working as it should have. Cold hands, headaches, breathlessness - these are symptoms of anaemia and iron deficiency. Low iron in the blood and low haemoglonin levels, mean that oxygen transporting cells, are depleted. Hence the breathlessness. 

So, a return to the wheat reduced, high protein, iron rich leafy meals is required - as well as a curb on the alcohol (for a few days at least!). 

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