Sunday 14 August 2016

The Rat Race


The rat race is a tough competition with all the other rats if we really want to get ahead in life.

Just treading the wheel, is hard enough in itself - but to truly succeed, is a lot harder than we maybe realise. Money is required to keep our heads above water. We need it to survive and to enjoy life. Wherever your social standing in life is, money will play a key factor in how fast the hamster wheel is spinning. When there's prosperity, the wheel slows, but in a downturn, money is squeezed from the middle classes as the blue bloods work even harder to retain their wealth - in turn, this forces the lower class workforce into grafting longer hours with even lower wages. The wheel spins faster for every one of the rats. Money becomes harder to make across the board, let alone keep. 

These last 6 years have seen my fortunes decrease and stress levels rise considerably - all in my pursuit of money. Councils, accountants, solicitors, governing institutions like the DVLA and the banks, have all been making significant money from any of my small gains made over this period. Yet, the amount of work, worry and stress from keeping all of these institutions happy, has hardly been worth it for me. I'm just treading water. So, I'm considering giving it all up. Freedom from house and car ownership, means freedom from all the money-draining connections too. Less mail to answer, schemes to join, less taxes to pay, fines and bank interest to let slip through the fingers - and less time used up, sleep lost and stress manifested. All this extra effort chasing the money, has not worked out to be enough of a gain, considering all the extra efforts invested. So, less spends and more free time through removing these extra financial burdens, means less time treading that wheel. There has to be an easier, more carefree way to succeed in life?

I looked into the money less ways of living last year - yet, still not been to see what an off-grid place is/entails, or spent time as a Woofer. This should be something I at least try doing for a weekend - and something I likely need to do on my own.

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