Sunday 29 May 2016

Bank Holiday Birthday


Another memorable lost weekend. Abandon and Mayhem. But it seems that I'm not alone in having this experience. So many are doing the same thing on a bank holiday - getting blasted.

The only real learning I have taken from this weekend, is that I am having the same dilemma as so many other people do. It's either a weekend of staying away from potential trouble, or a weekend getting out there having fun, to better connect with others and celebrate being alive. 

The alternatives all seem pretty dull. Is it a quiet one in, walks in the park, DIY hell or are the kids needing to be entertained? The friends who are taken up with DIY or family priorities are clearly envious of those like me. No real responsibilities to deal with. The only resulting issues being a dent in the bank balance and of course, the fall out from all that partying always leaves us feeling a little bit rubbish for a few days.

Sunday 22 May 2016

The Need For Restraint


Another all-nighter. Another expensive and energy depleting weekend. Alcohol. It's the conduit for all bad things and it can be our undoing.

If I'm going to keep my energy levels topped up and make progress at work, with health and improve my capabilities - I'm going to have to rein myself in. Maybe it's leaving credit cards at home? Or maybe it requires avoidance altogether. Certainly, I can avoid the people that are my biggest corrupting influence. 

Let's see where I am next weekend on a birthday bank holiday...

Sunday 15 May 2016

Good Out - Good In


It's all about how you deal with people. If you treat people with respect, they will treat you the same. 

I am currently working on a project that involves dealing with different characters from a distance. They are all potentially great assets for completing a project that will take a lot of time and considerably more money if I let it get out of hand. 

The people I'm working with are also potential liabilities. The success of my project is all going to boil down to trust and respect. It's essential that I earn it first, if I am going to receive it.

To get what we want, we need to put in first. Give and receive. It's as simple as that.

Sunday 8 May 2016

Positive Results


Having two court cases this week, which had been hanging over me for a considerable time, I now feel free and happy after receiving a positive result. 

What I've learned about this whole episode, is that being constantly pent up in my daily fight against the system, my mood has been affected over a long period of time, which in turn, has affected those around me, hampering my self development in the process. 

It's tough being kind, compassionate and humble. You can get taken advantage of. So we can all try to be as good as we can but there is still a need for being tough, stubborn and forceful if we are to be successful in life. It would be nice if we could all be more trustworthy, considerate and decent, but it's just not possible when there's so many people out their to potentially ruin our chances of success. 

It's not all been bad. I have now learned to be clearer with the laws, got better at understanding them and how/when to fight them. Magistrates are just people at the end of the day but they still have to follow the laws that are in place. Knowing the laws and our rights, gives us a clear advantage, but ultimately, it's how well we come across on the day that matters. Standing up to say your piece is better than having a legal representative do it in my opinion - provided we can communicate without showing any emotion or anger towards the magistrates or court staff.  

Another learning from this period, is that the post office are not to be relied upon. There's ways to safeguard against losing letters is to record how the mail is sent. Taking a photo of a letter as it's being handed to a clerk in the post office and getting a send receipt, are all free. This doesn't guarantee the letter will arrive at the other end - but will be a suitable defence against any governing bodies that may question if post has been sent to them. There'll be GPS for location, date stamp and clerk for evidence.

Ultimately, I've learned to follow my own path, make my own judgements by using my head to determine if something is worth fighting for. So-called experts are just people who have information and experience from something that has already passed. Circumstances and events differ in all manner of ways. Therefore, no two situations can be identical. So, being told that acquiring further evidence on this particular occasion would just have been a waste of time, because a foregone decision had already been reached on one piece of 'proof' - this only helped spur me on to find out more. And on this occasion, against all the odds, I've become a winner against the system, learned some new skills and moved forward in my personal development. 

My next post will be on how to beat the system so others may benefit too. 

Sunday 1 May 2016

Last One Standing


We are widely accepted in our circle of friends, as the good time crew. That means we are often out partying, drinking and having late nights. 

As we turn 40, the body's ability to repair itself after stress, diminishes. We need to eat well, get good rest and avoid too much of the things that will age us. Alcohol and other toxic substances, taken in excess, will deplete the energy reserves. That's why yoga and exercise are key to maintain health.

It's essential to get some exercise every day. This can be something as gentle as a walk at lunch time. My current routine already has at least a few minutes of walking per day, but to continue as the good time crew, it's going to take a lot more than that. This is where the daily morning yoga starting tomorrow is going to bring the greatest results!

The only other option, is to try moderation....something I'm still very much learning to master and will be my focus in 2016.